Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Not knowing Blank on a personal level I was hoping during his press conference today he would go ape shit on Bobby Petrino and his inexcusable resignation. I was imagining some foul language and some long deep deadly stares into the camera while promising he would find Petrino one day on the street and rip his soul from his godless body. In video form something like this...

But instead of him going ballistic he responded like a reasonable human being unlike myself. The fact that Blank has had to deal with two lying butt darts in Vick and Petrino and yet came off cool, collected, and better off without them is a sign of a great man. The Falcons were never going to be a SuperBowl calibre team with Petrino at the helm. Sure it's in hindsight, but how can a franchise hire somebody like Petrino who is just a mercenary coach who loves to slither off for another job? It's all on GM Rich McKay now. Blank needs to start with a clean slate for the Falcon's franchise and one of his first moves should be to find a new GM. McKay alone has hired two coaches who failed in developing a winner and part of that is his personnel decisions. If I was Blank I would have fired McKay before the press conference today. Instead Blank stood by him. One has to wonder how many times Blank can get fucked over till he finally realizes the "right pieces" are not in place to build a winning franchise.

Here is Blank's comments today regarding Petrino's "betrayal"...

After listening to the whole press conference I am 100% in support of Blank. The man desperately wants to build a winner that the community of Atlanta and Falcon's fans can take pride in. I hope he finds the right guy and it starts with replacing McKay with somebody capable of building a winning franchise.

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