Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have now completely convinced myself that Notre Dame will beat USC at Notre Dame Stadium on October 17th, 2009. Call it blind faith or homerism but I really think the 2009 Notre Dame football team is going to be special. And not in the Corky or Michigan way. The whole team is basically coming back. The talent is ridiculous right now. There are no more excuses for them not competing with FUSC. Oh yeah, I will also be at the game and Notre Dame has not lost a game I've personally attended since 1990. So write it down bitches. Notre Dame will beat USC. Flame away if you like because I don't give a shit. The Fighting Irish will once again be back on top of the college football world.


  1. Haha...yeah, fortunately it's only a small portion of the student body that is actually flipping out about this. You know my stance on religion buddy so I could give two shits about it. I do think it's ridiculous to protest a President coming to your graduation. It's an honor that the President wants to speak to you but some people don't see it that way. Hopefully those people just won't show up and regret it for the rest of their lives.

    Go Irish!!

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    What does that video have anything to do with some idiot students protesting Obama's speech? I'm Irish and Italian Catholic. I voted for Obama and I am all for stem cell research to help save lives. But don't talk shit about one's school and religion because a few brats are protesting. I'm sure it's only a fraction of the students that are protesting and more than likely they came from a rich and sheltered up bringing. Besides the bullshit, that intro has me fired up for the football season and its still months away. GO IRISH!

  3. I like Notre Dame football too. It just seems all you read about is the students at Notre Dame in a furor over Obama, and I think it's kind of lame. It shouldn't even be a story. I just didn't know where to put my opinions, so I just went with this post. Go Irish! Oh, and go Dawgs!

  4. MIIRISH10:45 AM

    Matt you are wrong. It would be an honor for a President to speak at ND who shared the values that ND stands for. This is a slap in the face and an embarassment to the Catholic community at large. Over 200,000 (and counting) people have already signed the petition protesting this disgrace, and several American Bishops have also weighed in with their disapproval. This does matter, and cannot be allowed to stand.
    My wife and I attend nearly every home game (and several away games as well), and know a lot of people from tailgating circles, etc., who also find this situation equally disturbing.
    GO IRISH!!!

  5. So you are against saving lives? That's very Christian of you. Do you and your wife use contraception such as birth control or condoms? That's against the catholic church. You should also sign petitions for all the Notre Dame students getting drunk on the weekends at the football games, then going out to have pre-marital sex. That's against Christianity and the Catholic church. How about that case, I think it was in Brazil, where a Catholic girl was raped by her step dad, so she decided to have an abortion, so the Catholic church decided to excommunicate the child and her mother, because she supported her, but they let the step dad stay. Ridiculous. So many contradictions, and getting in an uproar that President Obama is coming to Notre Dame to speak is quite dumb. Bush came and spoke, and his wars have killed thousands of living innocent people abroad. I'd rather have someone speak at my ceremony who is trying to help people, than a bumbling moron.

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    More than likely Fox news is behind this bullshit demonstration. Lets see one of these protester's kid get cancer or receive a spinal cord injury... then lets see them protest stem cell research which could save their kid's life. I love Notre Dame football but I am ashamed to call myself a Fan when people are so against saving lives. If I remember correctly every NBC game this year ran a Notre Dame commercial, which said: Fighting Hunger, Fighting Disease, Fighting Crime. We are the Fighting Irish. This bullshit demonstration is going to give Notre Dame a black eye. I thought it was only bullshit rich southern Methodists like Bush who were against stem cell research.

  7. Anonymous3:26 PM

    YOU HAVE NO IDEA . . .

  8. All I have to say is Wow! If people really think Obama is a threat against their religion then they need to wake up. It's a honor to have the President speak at your commencement but I guess some people don't see it that way.

  9. bcirish7:25 AM

    All those who truly LOVE Notre Dame would understand. It is no honor to have Obama speak on our Lady's campus, because he is not honorable. It may seem somehow "uncool" or "old-fashoned" to speak up on this issue, but his appearance is a direct affront to what ND stands for. It would be much more appropriate for him to speak at a secular institution like a Michigan or a Florida. Jenkins will resign before April's over.
    God bless Notre Dame forever!
    See you at the spring game?
    GO IRISH!!!

  10. Let's not get into those who truly love Notre Dame. You can be Jewish or any other faith besides Catholic and still love Notre Dame. Just because Obama believes in stem cell research and the right for a woman to choose doesn't mean he has no right to step foot on campus and give a commencement speech.

    But enough of the politics and religion talk. Let's talk some football! I wish I could make it up there for the spring game but the funds are a little too low for me right now. If I had a free place to stay at I would consider driving up there. But I will be up for the USC game and hopefully another game this coming up season.

    Go Irish!! Beat Nevada!!

  11. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Obama is not what Notre Dame stands for but Bush is?
