Thursday, March 26, 2009


It's always good to see two young, extremely rich people who have done so little in their professional lives have so much spotlight. Granted Reggie Bush has a Heisman Trophy (my phone just rang, it's the Heisman Trust calling saying to pull the Heisman word or they will sue me, I say fuck off!) and garnered plenty of other awards/STD's at USC but what has he really done in the NFL? I will be the first to say that I thought he was going to be an absolute stud coming out of USC. I thought the Texans were nuts to bypass him for Mario Williams. Hindsight obviously shows I'm wrong.

And granted Kim Kardashian is known for her Ray J sex tape and her reality show where she teaches her younger sisters how to poll dance. She has that going for her. But is she really an actress or just a brunette version of Paris Hilton?

I wouldn't throw her out of bed and I wouldn't trade Reggie Bush just yet but I wonder what is the fascination with these two characters. What have they actually produced to garner so much attention? And why the hell am I talking about them? No clue. Other than maybe I enjoy seeing these two try so hard to be relevant. They are both trying to be huge stars but neither can get off the casting couch without their panties or dignity in some producer's mouth. It's kind of sad yet funny too. At least Matt Leinart can look himself in the mirror every morning and say he has no regrets and lived up to his potential...

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