Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Hit Heard Around Canada...Aaron Rome KO's Nathan Horton

Boston fans are freaking out, spitting up their clam chowder and Sam Adams about this hit from game 3 of last night's Stanley Cup Final. At first glance it looked bad. On second glance it looked even worse. On third glance holy fuck he got crushed for no good reason! Vancouver's Aaron Rome has been suspended for the remaining four games in the series because of the hit and chances are the Bruins have seen the last of Nathan Horton. The hit might have flipped the series too. The Canucks came in with a 2-0 series lead. After the hit the Bruins went on to smoke the Canucks 8-1. Game 4 is in Boston. Expect even more emotion and passion. And beady little eyes. And hockey sticks. Eh!

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