Monday, February 17, 2014

Farewell to The Captain #2 Shirts and Hoodies Now Available!

As you know I'm not the biggest Yankees fan in the world.  In fact I've loathed them since conception. But I sure as hell respect Derek Jeter for his career both on and off the field.  The guy got more top quality ass (talking legit 10's not 7's) than any player in any sport and he's done it right by not getting tied down with one chick.  He's waiting till after his playing days are over to get hitched.  Gotta respect the game from Jeter.  You also gotta respect these awesome The Captain shirts and hoodies.  Admit you love them!

Get these classic "The Captain" Farewell t-shirts and hoodies today!  Don't be a your love for the biracial angel!

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