According to Dave O'Brien of the AJC, Atlanta Braves reliever Phil Stockman whom is a native Aussie has a good luck charm hidden in his pants...yes...kangaroo testicles. Australian people are so fucking weird! First they face plant streaking on horse tracks for their bachelor parties and now they use Roo Balls as good luck charms. According to Aussies kangaroo testicles bring good luck. Apparently Stockman has given a set of testicles to teammates Tim Hudson and Mike Hampton:
So Braves reliever Phil Stockman, a good bloke if I’ve ever met one, gave starting pitchers Tim Hudson and Mike Hampton each a pair of kangaroo testicles on a key chain. And told them to rub them before each start.
Hudson’s “charm” was hanging in his locker last I checked.
I'm not sure how I would react if somebody gave me a pair of testicles and told me I needed them for good luck. I would probably tell them my set of hairbags has worked just fine for years of internet porn, thank you very much.