Which is kind of weird when you work by yourself. See I don't have any co-workers per say unless you count my dogs. My dogs are like those lazy mother fuckers in the opposite cubicle next to you who just sit around and lick their balls while begging for food. It pisses me off too. Dogs are just like co-workers. I'm pretty positive co-workers love to eat their own shit and fart at the absolute worst moment. For instance the other day I tried getting to second base with a beautiful lady only to be fart blocked by one of Soco's deadly blasts. Yes, I named my dog after a liquor. And yes, I know too much Soco can give you the farts. Hence the name. Anyways, I called in sick today because I got a bad case of the broners...
Hey, if you are reading this blog then I feel sorry for you. If you want me to stop feeling bad for you then buy one of our cool SportsCrack shirts. For instance we are only 9 days away from St. Patrick's Day so what better shirt to wear then this new sweet ass Irish one which will surely get you laid...or arrested....