TNT's Craig Sager is known for his tacky wardrobe, his inability to hold his alcohol, and for running around the bases and patting Hank Aaron on the back during his 715th HR trot before getting beat down. Listen, I've met Mr. Craig Sager a couple of times and I'm not his biggest fan. The guy is a lush who doesn't know shit about sports let alone the actual ones he covers. And this is coming from a guy who is a lush. At least I know my sports even when I'm ten beers deep or in Sager's case 4 Vodka and Diet Cranberry's. So it comes with great joy to see Sager in his pumpkin suit get doused with the bubbly by ADD spokesperson and all around nutcase Jonathan Papelbon after the Red Sox eliminated the Angels yet again.
Video HT: WithLeather via Red Sox monster