SportsCrack Blog

Friday, January 27, 2012

Forget Tyler Pastornicky, The Braves Needs To Sign This Ball Boy

I've been hearing all offseason about how awesome Tyler Pastornicky is going to be from the local radio stations and it's gotten to the point where I just tune it out. There is a reason why nobody has heard of him outside of Atlanta. Because he's basically a nobody. But don't worry this April he will be the starting shortstop for the Atlanta Braves. Yeah that should work out well. Instead of Tyler Pastramiface Frank Wren should have been scouting this ball boy down under. Look at that Neo like grab. Kid has skills. Sign him up Wren. He can't be much worse than,2.1.

Massive Cockfighting Operation Cause News Anchors to Lose It

I never realized there were over 2000 cocks in San Diego. What is so god damn funny? Those poor dirty cocks never had a chance. That one woman just chocked the cock like a professional. Impressive form I must add when you got an out of control flailing cock spitting at you.

Video via Hot Clicks

Notre Dame Football Players Rapping "Strip"

Notre Dame football players Josh Atkinson, George Atkinson III, and Amir Carlisle put together this remake of Chris Brown's "Strip." All that is missing is Rihanna with a couple of New York "strips" covering those black eyes and bruises.

Not too shabby especially from new comer Carlisle who will be wearing Michael Floyd's #3 jersey next season. But none of them compare to Louis "Irish Chocolate" Nix. Straight superstar right here taking a "Grenade"...