Last week it was reported Heisman Trophy frontrunner and current Auburn Tiger's QB Cam Newton was reportedly being shopped for $200,000 to SEC schools while he was playing junior college ball in Texas. The smoke came from Mississippi State who said they were approached by a friend or associate of the Newton family who said Cam would take a discount of $180K to play for the Bulldogs because he liked coach Dan Mullen (former OC at Florida under Urban Meyer and coached Cam for two years there). Why it came out last week and not during the summer when it happened was curious. Now we are hearing news that Cam basically got thrown out of Florida for not just accepting stolen laptops but for submitting papers he didn't write. Basically he cheated at Florida on his paper. Color me shocked that this would happen in SEC country or any other major college football program! Here is what Foxsports.com Thayer Evans is reporting from a "source" cough cough Urban Meyer...
Auburn quarterback Cameron Newton had three different instances of academic cheating while attending the University of Florida and faced potential expulsion from the university, according to a source.
Newton, considered the front-runner for the Heisman Trophy, attended Florida in 2007 and 2008 before transferring to Blinn College, a junior college in Texas. He first violated Florida’s student honor code by cheating in a class during his freshman year, according to the source.
Newton was arrested for the theft of a laptop from a Florida student’s dorm room in November 2008. He again violated the university’s honor code by putting his name on another student’s paper and turning it in, according to the source. Newton was caught after the instructor asked the real author of the paper why he had not turned in his work, the source said.
According to the source, after the student said he had turned in a paper, he and the instructor went through all the submissions and discovered that Newton had put his name on the paper in question.
Newton subsequently turned in a second paper to the instructor, but it was later found to have been purchased off the Internet, according to the source. The source said Newton was to appear for a hearing in front of Florida’s Student Conduct Committee during the spring semester of 2009, but instead transferred to Blinn College.
The committee could have levied sanctions against Newton that included suspension and expulsion from the university.
“He knew that he was facing a bad outcome,” the source said.
First off grades are a private matter between the school and the student. These incidents happened two years ago but for some reason we are just now starting to hear about it. Weird right with Auburn now undefeated and Cam Newton leading the way? It just happens to be a coincidence that if Florida beats South Carolina on Saturday they would more than likely face Auburn in the SEC Championship with a multimillion dollar BCS Bowl bid up for grabs. So essentially Cam Newton is the only thing that stands in the way of Urban and his Gators getting to a BCS Bowl. And this "source" is just now telling the writer Evans at FoxSports about something that happened under Florida's watch two years ago. Hmmm. Makes you wonder who could have been the "source" who just now feels like spilling the beans to Evans?
You gotta love SEC football. Not only is it the best conference but it has the most dirty, slime ball shithead coaches who will do anything for a victory on the field... as well as off.