SportsCrack Blog

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Classic Taiwan Animation of Jameis Winston Free Seafood University Theft

I seriously feel like SportsCenter would be one million times better if they just made all their news stories have Taiwanese animation.  I don't need a reporter on site unless she is in lingerie.  I need animation.  The fucking gigantic Hurricanes crab got me in the end and I almost feel bad for laughing at it.  I mean it's not even funny it's just so fucking stupid you have to laugh.  It's almost as stupid as a Heisman Trophy winning QB stealing crab legs from Publix and pretty much getting away with it.

Speaking of stupid if you haven't ordered one of these Free Seafood University shirts you might as well ride the short bus because your summer is going to suck.  They ship out this week and they're hotter than Jameis Winston's crab infested man nuggets.


Kevin Durant's MVP Speech Was Emotional

Mr. Unreliable eh?

Kevin Durant delivered a highly emotional and heartfelt speech yesterday thanking his mother, friends, and teammates after receiving his first MVP trophy.  The best part of the speech was it was completely honest and not scripted.  There wasn't a dry eye in the room.  Fuck I started cutting onions only 45 seconds into it.  Bravo to Durant.  We have a tendency and I'm guilty of this a lot for bashing players who don't put their emotions on their sleeve and only play for the money.  Durant is one of the good guys.  He's a player everybody can root for.  One in which I would run through a wall for.  I could only imagine being his teammate.  This speech sealed his bronze statue in Oklahoma City.  Durant the Legend.