"I do believe that this football team has faced one of the most difficult stretches that any team has had so far this season," he said of losses to three ranked teams. "I do think we are a better football team and now we need to build on it and show it."
These are the words of one Tyrone Willingham after Oklahoma dismantled Washington, a once proud football school, 55-14 to give Losingham a record of 11-28 overall since he arrived in 2005. It's time for the Huskies and the rest of the nation(I'm looking directly at the media on this one) to admit that Willingham is an average at best coach who rode the coat tails of one fluke Stanford season in which USC wasn't the power they are now to a Rose Bowl appearance and future millions which are unearned.
With a new AD hired it's only a matter of time before Willingham is shown the door but I wonder how the media will react to this one. Will it be a call of racism on Washington's part for firing or forcing a coach to resign who had yet to fill his contract in the fact that his program had progressively gotten worse in his tenure or will it be a confession where they admit they were wrong in their prior convictions that Willingham was a helpless pawn in the Notre Dame coaching debacle since Lou Holtz left?
I'm going to say neither. No one ever wants to admit one's guilt, especially on national television or print, and this will be conveniently sweeped under the rug without a knowledge that yes, Pat Forde, Stewart Mandel, The Wizard of Odds Blog, Collegefootballnews.com, and many other national media members and blogs are about as smart as Gary the Retard on The Howard Stern Show.
Perhaps one of them can be his new offensive coordinator when he gets another job he doesn't deserve. George Bush has first dibs apparently.