Holy West Virginia-wannabe's Batman! I don't know what they have been drinking up in Ann Arbor lately but they need help and need to check themselves into uniform rehab immediately.
all-maize look is just painful to these college football loving eyes. While I'm not a Michigan fan by any stretch of the words I've always kind of liked their uniforms. The helmet is classic and the "maize and blue" uniforms look good when the dominant color is blue. But this all-maize jersey and pants make me want to puke. It's bad enough they sold their "blue blood" souls and I use that term real loosely since they have one split National Title in the last 70 years when last year they put a fucking basketball logo on a football uniform but now they gotta go and make it painful to even look at them. What in the Harbaugh is going on up there in Ann Arbor? It looks like they had to put dark visors on the helmets to tone down the awfulness of seeing ones self in these uniforms.
Come on Michigan you are better than this. Stop whoring yourself out to the Nikes and Jordan's of the world and show same damn self respect you disgusting filthy pig.