SportsCrack Blog

Friday, May 02, 2008


Nick Swardson at his bastardy best.

I leave with this video as a goodbye for a while. See, I'm getting married tomorrow at high noon. If you have been married for any period of time spare me the condolences. I'm already hook, line, and sinker into this. And if you are wondering if I am nervous then I must reassure you I am not. My fine lady makes me happy and most of all she puts up with my shit...which should win her a Nobel Peace Prize in my book. So yeah, the blog posts will be few and far between for the next couple of weeks while we are backpacking through Europe drinking the finest German beer while loving the beautiful scenery of Switzerland. So the honeymoon awaits with a beautiful lady in hand and a bottle of Absinthe in my backpack...



Justin McCarthy said...

congrats! best of luck - looking forward to you getting back online and we can basically start counting down until NFL camps open up and college football practice begins...
again, congratulations on the wedding - i wasn't nervous either a year ago at mine!

Mac G said...

Congrats Buddy. Have fun in Europe.

Anonymous said...
