SportsCrack Blog

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Minnesota Viking's defensive end/manchild Jared Allen had a hell of a game last night with 3.5 sacks to help Brett Favre beat his old team in the Green Bay Packers. I'm not here to talk about Favre. I could actually give a shit about giving that guy anymore news than he deserves. Jared Allen is why this blog exists. His mullet does it for me. Like the Hitler stache the mullet has been out of style for years. Why? Well if I need to explain it then I am really surprised you can even read and/or write or even know how to operate a computer without beating on it like a monkey.

The point is Allen is bringing back the mullet no matter how much he might get ridiculed. In fact he has been trying to bring it back since his playing days in Kansas City. In Missouri the mullet is almost as cherished as the St. Louis Cardinals and dentures. Take a look at this video of Mullet man explaining his doo...

I enjoy Allen. He seems to be the NFL's version of Kenny Powers. The guy wears #69 for a reason ladies. He has a sense of humor and doesn't take himself too seriously. Check out this shirt he is wearing to an interview with Fox Sports...


Brad said...

Thanks for the shot at Missouri. Don't you live in Georgia?

Matt Fairchild ( said...

Brad, it wasn't a shot. The mullets are unreal in Missouri along with the rat tails. Yes, I live in Atlanta.