From the USAToday comes the memo from USC president-elect Max Nikias to the "USC Trojan Family" in regards to Reggie Bush's Heisman Trophy...
The Trojan family honors and respects the USC sporting careers of those persons whose actions did not compromise their athletic program or the opportunities of future USC student-athletes. Accordingly, I have instructed the senior vice president for administration to remove athletic jerseys and murals displayed in recognition of O.J. Mayo and Reggie Bush by mid-August -- before the incoming class of students moves on campus -- from Heritage Hall, the Galen Center and the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. The university also will return Mr. Bush's 2005 Heisman Trophy to the Heisman Trophy Trust in August.
Damn, even O.J. killed some people and yet he still got to hold onto his Heisman. The point is don't take money from agents while in school. Now after school you can go ahead and kill whomever you like. Even your ex-wife if you so choose. Just don't take money.
Lesson learned.
So I guess now Vince Young gets the Heisman? Someone contact Vince pronto. Just go to some night club and look for a sweaty tall black dude with no shirt on. Chances are good it's VY.

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