SportsCrack Blog

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Buckeyes are wearing wristbands in support/honor of Coach Jim Tressel

If I'm new Ohio State head coach Luke Fickell I squash this shit immediately. The Buckeyes don't need any more controversy. They are going to get away with a slap to the wrist from the NCAA when they should have gotten scholarships and/or postseason appearances taken away. If anything this is giant FU to the NCAA and their "rules." They support departed head coach Jim Tressel and his ability to dot the i in liar.

Picture via Jerod Smalley

1 comment:

Tyvek Wristbands said...

This is great to hear, Jim Tressel's a legend, I'd love to get my hands on one of those wristbands or one of those t-shirts. A great way to show support in my opinion.