SportsCrack Blog

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Most Ridiculous Super Bowl XLII Props

Go check out VegasWatch for some of the best props to bet on for the Super Bowl. One of my favorite ones is this:

3. Who will the MVP of the Game thank first? (Bodog)
Teammates, 2:1
God, 5:2
Family, 2:1
Coach, 5:1
Doesn't thank anyone, 6:1

So what happens if Randy Moss wins the MVP? Actually I sincerely hope he does for the entertainment value. I could just see him looking into the FOX camera and smiling his big million dollar grin. And then with a subtle break and a single tear slowly trickling down he breaks out a British accent and gives us a profound statement like this: "I want to thank that lady down in Florida for getting me focused and making me work that much harder to prove to the world that athletes should not be victims of erroneous charges but instead should be embraced by society and served pudding from stripper's nipples without negative connotations."

But of course none of this will happen because the New York Giants are already flying the accuser, Rachelle Washington, in for the game to roam the sidelines thus forcing Moss to stay in the locker room due to the temporary restraining order which states he must stay away from her at least 500 feet at all times. Of course Tom Brady would come to the rescue by firing a pigskin right into her temple. Remember people that Brady is the ultimate team player and wants his immortal 4th championship.

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