SportsCrack Blog

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I saw a preview for the new Cameron Diaz movie called "The Button" where she is presented with an interesting dilemna: push the button and you get 1 million dollars but somebody has to die. I looked at my wife, god bless her innocent soul, and said "fuck it, I would push the button as long as I don't know the person!" Does that make me a bad person or just a realistic one? A million dollars would be awfully helpful right now because I ain't selling diamonds here, I'm selling fucking t-shirts for dirt cheap.

I was going to post the preview of the movie here to let you judge it yourself but I found this one a lot more interesting than seeing Diaz age very ungraceful like...

So what would you do? To push the button or not, that is the question.


Anonymous said...

Had a similar discussion. You push the button and rationalize it by thinking you could also be the one that dies. I mean the odds work for you. 1/6,793,819,036
Strange thing is...those are the same odds that Georgia beats Florida or Wash St beats Notre Dame!!

Anonymous said...


I wonder if this movie is based on the Hitchcock or Twilight Zone episode where when they pick it up they say "We'll be sure to give it to somebody you don't know."